
God desires that we seek him… just how do we go about doing that?


Does every human event have a divine purpose, or do some things happen by chance?


God desires to have a relationship with us – like a father/child relationship. But how is it we are made one of His children?


The post-modern world condemns “judgment” of another’s behavior. But what does the Bible really say about judging?


How does God choose whom He will justify? It isn’t our works that merit justification… so how does God to it?


God ordained the family unit – he created it when he made man and woman and ordained marriage. How does the family unit function in God’s scheme of things?


Post-modern religion often focus on “contemporary” methods of worship. Older folks prefer “traditional” forms. But what does the Bible say about true spiritual worship?


Looking for a church? There’s lots of choices. But we should all seek is one that mirrors the real church depicted in the New Testament.